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Acupuncture.id is a sharing platform for people who want to know more about acupuncture, what it is, how it works, what kind of problem can be treated. It also shares some article about healthy lifestyle, healthy diet, life philosophy from our acupuncturist.

Eastwest Physiotherapy & Acupuncture provides Traditional Chinese Medicine based Acupuncture. That aim to helps people restores their health to the balance state, by using holistic approach that not only focusing on their body, but their emotion, lifestyle, and diet. We are treating the disease by healing from the root of the problem and not only the symptoms.

Here is the profile of our Acupuncturist.

dr. Christina Sulaiman

Christina Sulaiman obtained her Acupuncture& Traditional Chinese Medicine degree from Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese Medicine. During her studies, she received a Shanghai Government Scholarship and underwent a five year clinical stint at the prestigious Shanghai Yueyang Hospital. Focusing on preventative methods and integrative Chinese medicine, her aims to regulate the human body to a balanced state which includes healthy lifestyle, emotions, diet, and appropriate exercise. She aspires to help people live their life to their full potential by restoring their body balance. Christina experienced in wide range of health issue, treatment of pain, musculoskeletal problems, neurological problem, women’s health, IVF preparation, digestive problems, athlete’s performance, etc. She is passionate in helping people attain a better health by raising people awareness regarding their well being. She is a member of Ikatan Naturopati Indonesia (IKNI)and Persatuan Akupunturis Seluruh Indonesia (PAKSI) ,Himpunan Akupuntur Terapis Indonesia (HAKTI) and also speaks Mandarin, Bahasa as well as English fluently.

Please contact us if you want to know more.